I will start off by highly recommending this book to young and old and everyone in between! This book is not only an enthusiastic adventure but also a unique look into the life and culture of the people and times of a real town with a big heart.
Eatonville is only 20 minutes from my house, so while reading of Zora, Carrie & Teddy’s adventures I could picture the places they were exploring. This is the story told from the eyes and ears of Zora’s best friend Carrie and is written with raw emotion. Carrie takes us along as she and Zora figure out how old Mr. Pendir turns himself into the gator man; meets and mourns Ivory and his beautiful music and learns the secrets of Gold and the world they are living in. Each journey makes them grow up a little but never dulls their spirit.
Although this story is a work of fiction – Zora Neale Hurston did grow up in Eatonville and her imagination inspired those around her. I have never read anything by Ms. Hurston but have Their Eyes Were Watching God checked out from the library and plan to dive in once the holidays are over. Thank you Ms. Bond and Ms. Simon for writing this tale about Zora and her friends with such enthusiasm and heart!
4 out of 5 Dogears
Okra Book Challenge Pick
Okra Book Challenge Pick