The hurricane of life swirls around young Charlie Boone in 1960's Louisiana - "facts of nature," alligators in suitcases, a bullet-eating, bed-wetting little brother, a lucky Uncle Dan, a very unlucky horse named "Lunch Time" and lots of salt.
I've been struggling to write this review because I've had no one complete, intelligible thought since reading about Charlie's youthful tales. I wasn't sure if I could finish this book after reading the first few chapters, just too bizarre and unbelievable even as fiction. But Charlie's hurricane made life seem so alive that I found myself thinking about Charlie and Jute digging a pig-pen (with the good spoons) for Uncle Dan; the Cuban Missile Crisis sirens that led Charlie to hide out and play doctor in the mayor's office; and wanting to discover what really happened to Charlie's mom - the beautiful voice that sang "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine."
I feel two ways about this book - Huh? and Awesome!
This book has now been added to my list of images that come to mind when I hear "My Only Sunshine." It joins two of my favorite movies - Beaches and O' Brother Where Art Thou?
3 3/4 out of 5 DogEars
Okra Pick Book Challenge
I thought this book was a lot of fun, but there were definitely a few "huh?" moments in it. Your blog looks great!