For the last 4 days I've been working on getting the bookstore up and running so that you guys can all come in, buy a book (or two), sit on a bean bag chair, gossip if you'd like and enjoy a glass of wine (or cold beer, like I currently am)! Alas, it's been a frustrating week. Financing is no fun - when you have dream you know you can make into a reality and make it a successful reality, it's hard to understand why the bank won't just give you the money and know you're good for it. Okay, there's my rant!
So one more day and it will be spent working on Go Live training with indiecommerce (thankful for them) for the website. I know, I know I've been promising the website for a while but being a virgin website owner, I had no clue all of the ins and outs and as;lktq134kn of a website:) but it is fun to see the logo online (thanks again Hannah) and share books with everyone! The blog will be part of the website, so you can check on updates there too! I'll let you know as soon as you can buy;)
Thanks again for everyone's support and curiousity! I aim to not let you down and have the best lil' indie bookstore in town!!!
I love you!!! I am sorry you are having to deal with such frustrations, but I know you will figure out how to realize your dreams. Keep your eyes on the prize!!!
ReplyDeleteJen Hale